
Moving my blog from Blogger to Wordpress

I am thinking seriously about moving from Blogger to WordPress, Blogger is really great service, I mainly choose it because it doesn't need any server side scripting at all, i.e. it will work with SAUDI NET myweb service.
But lately I moved some parts of my site to a new server, and I now have a more reliable Apache+PHP+MySQL installation, and start playing with wordpress and it was really cool feature, I even built a plugin :)
any way here is my test wordpress page: http://rayed.rayed.com/wordpress

My new Nokia 6230i

I bought a new Nokia 6230i mobile phone after I my old Nokia 6610 was stolen (actually dropped in a cap while he drove me home).

The new phone comes with 1.3 Megapixel camera see a sample picture

Luckily STC started providing MMS service, which allows me to send emails from mobile phone, so now I can take a picture from mobile phone and email it direclty my flickr account, or I can blog by sending an email to my Blogger email address.


Fixing WordPress dashboard

WordPress is a personal blogging software, works with PHP and MySQL.
The first page of WordPress administration page is called dash board it usually takes forever to load, this due the fact that WordPress display some RSS feed from its development blog.
The loading problem caused by trying to access the RSS feed with a proxy server, which won't work inside Saudi Arabia, so here is the fix, in the file wp-includes/class-snoopy.php modify the proxy lines to be something like:

var $proxy_host = "proxy.saudi.net.sa"; // proxy host to use
var $proxy_port = "8080"; // proxy port to use

and the dashboard should load as expected.



Interanet searching with Swish-e

Swish-e (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced) is really nice small program that index almost anything, I am playing with it at the moment and I am thinking of dumping my own search engine and replace it with Swish-e.

Swish has many features but the one feature that stroke me is the speed:
66,548 files indexed. 164,076,410 total bytes. 26,496,024 total words.
Elapsed time: 00:02:44 CPU time: 00:02:31
Indexing done!

Yep 66,548 document in less than 3 minutes!!!! Really impressive.