
Eezee Net phone numbers working now

SAUDI NET EezeeNet number ( 3 66 00 77 ) is now working and you can start testing now.
Remeber to setup the proxy:
Host: proxy.saudi.net.sa
Port: 8080

Remeber it isn't free as some ISPs prompote, it cost you 3 Riyals per hour, it is free in the sense it doesn't need any Internet account to to use it.

Enjoy it, and tell every body.


PostgreSQL 8 released

Many new improvements but the most important to me is the native support for Windows platform, not that people will start using it in production in Windows, but it will allow more people to use and play with it.
I wonder about the status of the replication system.
What's new in 8.0


PostgreSQL new website

PostgreSQL launched a new good looking website, it look more professional :)
PostgreSQL if you don't know it, is the open source Oracle database server. It has many advance features not currently found on MySQL.